New Haven


Mrs. Winchester usually made financial donations anonymously or with little recognition. Here she is referred to as "wife".

Although Sarah never saw the iron gates and archway, Judge Lieb did pass by while on business in New Haven. He later described how the beautiful ironwork and detail were perfectly suited for a stately entrance to the hospital grounds.

The home of Oliver and Jane Ellen Winchester on Prospect Hill, New Haven. William and Sarah were planning to live there indefinitely, and would inheirit the mansion after her in-laws' death.

In the span of one year, 1880 - 1881 Sarah lost her mother, Oliver Winchester and finally William. Sarah toured Europe for several months, returning to New Haven with plans in mind. Sarah and her three sisters with their families would relocate to the Santa Clara valley in 1886. 

I would be nice to get a high resolution of this photograph. It shows a carriage and driver, and 3-4 people on the porch. Although, I'm afraid I would have to travel to the New Haven historical archives to get it. 

Oceanside home of Oliver Winchester

William Wirt Winchester sporting the fashionable facial hair of the day, looks like a handsome man, appears to have a thin stature, a somewhat withered stare if not an unsure one.  I haven't seen a picture of Jane Winchester, perhaps he more resembles his mother.

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